In part one, I rehashed how I came to decide to make my a curtain for that skinny foyer window, a.k.a. sidelight, and how I finally found the perfect fabric for it.
But let's back up: That fabric. That amazing Dwell Studio fabric is just that. Amazing=pricey. $35 a yard to be exact. Because it's actually an upholstery fabric and a name brand, it's more expensive than your everyday cotton pattern fabric. And after measuring the window, I determined I would need 3 yards, or $105. Someone grab me a chair, I'm gonna faint. Ouch. Here I was talking about not buying a ready-made sidelight curtain because of the price and I'm going to shell out $105 on 3 yards of fabric?! Actually, no. I'm not that insane or spoiled. It was Memorial Day weekend, and Jo-Ann's was having a half off sale. $17 yard it was. Still pricey, but considering that I was getting exactly what I wanted, it was worth the extra expense. And the bonus: The window was only 14 inches wide, so I would only end up using around 30 inches of fabric (front and back) to cover my window, leaving me with leftovers for other creative projects that I'm sure will be another post. So not only was I getting a fabric I loved for half the price, I was going to be able to use it again.
Oh, and I forgot to mention what else drove me to my decision: my husband. That's right, I dragged him along with me to Jo-Ann's. Ladies, feel free to do a swoon if your man refuses to enter a craft store. I won't say there wasn't any kicking and complaining, but he knew I couldn't make this decision on my own. So I patrolled and I contemplated, and I probably asked Jonathan a million times what he thought of this or that fabric. Until Holy Grail! I think I found it! The price left me crestfallen, and I was experiencing more than a little trepidation at the thought of handling such a fine fabric when my sewing days were somewhere back in 8th grade when I had to sew a plush football. But after some consultation with my sister, that honey of mine said, "Let's get it!" and stalked off to get our cut of fabric. Hy hero!
Like I mentioned, I don't own a sewing machine, so feeling inspired by Young House Love's no-sew curtains, I picked me up some Heat N Bond. When we returned home, I laid out the fabric on our guest bed in my craft room. What exactly had I gotten myself into? I'm about to cut a $100 worth of fabric. I'm no amateur seamstress. But I measured and measured and measured. And I thought and I thought and I thought. And I got to work. This curtain wasn't going to make itself, even if I thought at that price it should.
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