
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Warranty time

We're taking stock of any and all repairs our house needs for its one-year warranty. Yes, you heard me right—one year! Our house is quickly approaching its one year birthday and I honestly can't believe it. The year has gone by so fast, and honestly, we haven't made many changes or dressed it up, but that's fine with me, the less we change, the more is covered under our warranty.

While Jonathan surveyed every nook and cranny, I looked up anything we found in our warranty book to see if it was covered and recorded it on our warranty form that's due at the end of the week to the builders. It's a tedious and time-consuming job, but it's really showed us how to take stock of our home on an annual basis. I hope that we'll continue this every year on our own now that the builders will no longer be responsible for repairs.

I do daydream about painting and decorating, but I'm trying to keep those daydreams at bay until the little one is here. He'll be my life until I get a hang of having a little monkey in my life, and then it'll be time to live really live in this house. I'm not sure which project we should save for first: fencing the backyard, furniture pieces, finishing the basement, getting our foyer professionally painted.


  1. I am so excited for your family!!! It seems as though the last year has been wonderful and many more to come with the new lil' monkey!

  2. Go for the fence first so little monkey has a place to run around in next year.

  3. I vote fence first with chance. :) can't believe the time has come wow. Wayne did say he isn't sharing his bday :( sorry... Let's shoot for march 1? Leap year kid
